The problem of anesthesia of regional society (on the example of the Republic of Mordovia)



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Target: the aim is to identify the factors contributing to the involvement of the population of the Republic of Mordovia in drug use.Materials and methods. The study was conducted among residents of the Republic of Mordovia aged 14 to 60 years. Here we used a multi-stage sampling with quota selection of respondents at the last stage. A two-stage cluster analysis was applied to determine the factors of population involvement in drug use.Results. The study showed that the population is aware of the seriousness of the problem of drug addiction in the country. However, other questions require priority resolution at the respondent’s place of residence.The article compares the indicators of the spread of non-medical drug use according to official medical statistics and the results of sociological research. There is a discrepancy between the values of the prevalence of non-medical drug use according to the data of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Mordovia and the data of sociological studies. According to the study, the proportion of the population of Mordovia who consume drugs is 0,7%. The main factors of involvement in drug use were the social environment, the influence of the Internet, and the availability of narcotic drugs.Conclusion. According to the analysis, two clusters are identified. The first one forms the majority (90%) of the inhabitants of Mordovia. It includes those who have not received offers to try drugs, do not use the Internet to get information about drugs and who do not have drug users in their social environment. The second cluster (10%) included respondents who received an offer to try drugs, who were familiar with drug users and resorted to the Internet for drug information. The socio-demographic characteristics of the second cluster differ from the general sample, men prevail here, and the population in the age ranges from 21 to 25 years, 26–30 years and 31–35 years.

Sobre autores

O. Kurmyshkina

Scientific Center for Social and Economic Monitoring


V. Motkin

Scientific Center for Social and Economic Monitoring



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