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The paper deals with the study of the limit distribution of the \(j\)-chromatic numbers of a random k-uniform hypergraph in the binomial model \(H(n,k,p)\). We consider the sparse case when the expected number of edges is a linear function of the number of vertices \(n\), i.e. is equal to \(cn\) for \(c > 0\) not depending on \(n\). We prove that for all large enough values of \(c\), the \(j\)-chromatic number of \(H(n,k,p)\) is concentrated in one or two consecutive numbers with probability tending to 1.


I. Denisov

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Email: shabanov.da@mipt.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow

D. Shabanov

HSE University; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Email: shabanov.da@mipt.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow; Russian Federation, Moscow, Dolgoprudny


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