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Significant differences were found in the fatty acid composition of roe and muscle tissue (fillet) of starlet (Acipenser ruthenus, Linnaeus, 1758) from Yenisei River and aquaculture farms associated with different food sources. Roe and muscle tissue of sterlet from the natural habitat were characterized by significantly higher levels of fatty acids – biomarkers of diatoms and bacterial matter. Sterlet grown in aquaculture conditions had in the composition of fatty acids significantly higher percentages of oleic and linoleic acids, as well as fatty acids, biomarkers of marine copepods. For the first time, it was proposed to use the calculation of the ratio of the percentage of several biomarker fatty acids and set threshold values for determining the origin of sturgeon roe and fillet from the natural habitat and aquaculture.

About the authors

A. E. Rudchenko

Siberian Federal University; Institute of Biophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk; Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk

S. M. Chuprov

Siberian Federal University

Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk

N. N. Sushchik

Siberian Federal University; Institute of Biophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”

Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk; Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk


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