The United States of America: following the pandemic




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In American society, the consequences of the pandemic that the population of the country is experiencing are quite actively discussed. The plots are different. The topic of the changing psychological climate in the country, which threatens US public health, attracts attention. Especially given the attempts to deeply comprehend the lessons of the pandemic with a reasonable understanding of the specific necessary transformations for full readiness for future pandemic tests, which, according to many, are inevitable. Pandemic-induced lockdown habits, combined with telecommuting and support for not-quite-social media, have tipped the scales towards much more time spent alone. Experts are noting and sounding the alarm about the statistics that Americans are spending more time alone before Covid-19 hit. Why is loneliness, i.e. is “a downed social temperament” striving for active social communication so worrying about Americans at the present time? There are several reasons and motives. As a rule, those participating in discussions and discussions point to two main ones - the threat to the health of the nation and the weakening of network ties during the presidential election cycle, which will undoubtedly affect their results.


Nadezhda Shvedova

Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN)

Moscow, Russian Federation


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  3. Weissbourd, R., Batanova, M., Lovison, V., Torres, E. Loneliness in America: How the Pandemic Has Deepened an Epidemic of Loneliness and What We Can Do About It. Available at: (accessed: 14.07.2023).
  4. Making Caring Common. (2023). Caring for the Caregivers: The Critical Link Between Parent and Teen Mental Health. Available at: (accessed: 14.07.2023).
  5. Caitlin, G., Ovalle, D., Zakharenko, H. Alcohol consumption surged during the pandemic - and deaths followed. Available at: (accessed: 14.07.2023).
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  7. President Biden's State of the Union Address. Available at: 14.07.2023).

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