Barack Obama’s diplomacy and the syrian peace process




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The article is devoted to the diplomatic activity of the first and second administrations of Barack Obama to resolve the Syrian civil war. Changes in the attitude of the United States towards the government of Bashar al-Assad, as well as forced attempts to change power in the country according to the Libyan model, both through the UN Security Council and through the Friends of Syria Group, are considered. The study analyzes the participation of the United States in the Geneva peace process on Syria, their role in this process, as well as the importance attached to the peace talks by the White House. In addition, attention is paid to the Russian-American ceasefire agreements reached in 2016. Conclusions are drawn about the degree of responsibility of Barack Obama's diplomacy for the actual collapse of the Geneva peace process.


Alexey Yurk

St. Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


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