The japanese-american military-political alliance: secrets of longevity




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The article analyzes an evolution of the Japanese-American military-political alliance in the end of XX - in the beginning of XXI centuries under influence of the increased of political, economical and military potential of Japan and also radical reorganization of international relations in the period of detente in Soviet-American relations, in the end of cold war, disintegration of the Soviet Union, the rise of China, aggravation of international situation after the start of the limited special operation of Russia in Ukraine. Military potential of the Japanese was evaluated, as well as the possibility of Japanese self-defense forces to repel limited attack on Japanese territory and plans of the government of Japan for improvement of the defense potential of the state. With it all, there are noted a serious shortcomings of Japanese potential of deterrence of possible threats for security and preservation of relay on the U.S. «nuclear umbrella», as well as assistance of American armed forces in repel of aggression. In this connection, there is a prognosis, especially in view of radically changes global international situation and relations in the Asia-Pacific region, that the Japanese-American military-political alliance will be preserved in all probability.


Alexander Panov

Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN)

Moscow, Russian Federation


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