Coalition Avenir Québec’s Politics: Autonomism, Nationalism and Pragmatism




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The article deals with the mainstreams of Quebec politics under Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) government headed by François Legault (from 2018 to the present). It is noted that the CAQ represents a new political force in provincial politics, offering the québécois society a middle/intermediate path of development between the Liberals (federalists) and the Pequist (supporters of sovereignty). The distinctive features of this path are the desire to strengthen autonomy of Quebec in Canadian Federation, reliance on québécois nationalism, consistent and tough defense of the dominant position of the French language in the province, as well as protection and promotion of Quebec values. At the same time, Legault policy is characterized by pragmatism and a generally balanced approach to socio-economic and environmental issues. The article discusses the Act respecting the laicity of the State (Bill 21) and the Act Respecting French, the Official and Common Language of Quebec (Bill 96), adopted under the CAQ Government. It also highlights the effectiveness of the Legault government’s actions during the COVID-19 pandemic and compares the results of the 2018 and 2022 provincial elections.


Yury Akimov

Saint-Petersburg State University

Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


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