The republican mother: the ideal woman in the early U.S



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Despite the changing family patterns in the US, the views that originated in the early American Republic and formed American identity still largely determine societal expectations of women and the role of motherhood. The article is devoted to the ideology of Republican Motherhood , which prevailed among the upper and middle classes in the United States in the period between the American Revolution and the Civil War. It shaped the feminine ideal, turning homemaking into civic virtue and emphasizing women's moral and enlightening role. The concept viewed mothers as key in raising future patriotic leaders. From now on, the development and prosperity of the American nation depended on women. This transformed motherhood from a biological function to a socially important role, with mothers shaping children's values and beliefs. Republican Motherhood also expanded educational opportunities for women. The study also evaluates the socio-cultural influences that shaped perspectives on American women and their role as mothers.

Sobre autores

Anna Sebryuk

Higher School of Economics University

Moscow, Russian Federation


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