The initial period of the sino-japanese war 1937-1939



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The article provides political assessments of the attitude of German military specialists to the processes of the initial period of the Sino-Japanese War. The authors are based on previously little-known documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, some of these documents are put into circulation for the first time. The article reflects the struggle of ideologies on the territory of China during its military clash with Japan. The authors, based on German documents, show the harsh anti-communist nature of Japanese policy in the occupied Chinese territories, and also address the problem of Japanese chauvinism in the late 1930s. The complexity of relations between the Japanese military and representatives of the political and economic elites of China at the initial stage of the Sino-Japanese War led to the support of the Chinese bourgeoisie for the Kuomintang regime, which weakened the position of Chinese collaborators. The article shows the failure of the strategy of the Japanese occupation authorities aimed at splitting the Chinese society. The article reflects the role of Alexander von Falkenhausen at the initial stage of the Sino-Japanese War. The authors highlight the issues of strategic miscalculations of the Japanese high command and shortcomings in the strategy of Chiang Kai-shek.

Sobre autores

Dmitry Ermakov

Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKSA RAS);Lomonosov Moscow State University

Moscow, Russian Federation

Grigory Popov

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA);Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky

Moscow, Russian Federation

Oleg Kazenkov

Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKSA RAS);Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov

Moscow, Russian Federation;Yaroslavl, Russian Federation


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