Trends of hispanic voters: a shift towards the republican party?



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The article provides a comparative analysis of the Hispanic support of the Democrats and Republicans during the 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections. The article reveals modern trends in the Hispanic electorate which consist in distancing from the first party and shifting toward the second one, which challenges the traditional balance of power in the political system. It has been established that this phenomenon is not new to the United States. The article identifies the reasons, examines the nature of the changes, and provides forecasts for the long term. Furthermore, the article evaluates the "red wave" phenomenon that many experts had predicted in relation to Hispanic voters on the eve of the 2022 elections.

Sobre autores

Marina Chernykh

Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN)

Moscow, Russian Federation


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