American approaches to the post-crisis world order



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The article attempts to analyze American approaches to building a world order that would meet the interests of Washington in the post-crisis era. According to the current US National Security Strategy (2022), the modern world order is characterized by a sharp escalation of contradictions between the US and countries such as Russia, China and Iran, while each of these centers of power has its own vision of a just international order, which generates the energy of conflict and leads to the use of force below the level of open hostilities. After a brief historical digression about the causes of the current crisis, the author proceeds to the study of the American vision of the international system, then analyzes the strategy by which the United States will seek to ensure a post-crisis settlement on its own terms. The article substantiates the conclusions about the causes of the current crisis; about the US strategy that will allow Washington to solve the tasks facing it at the present stage; about American approaches to the post-crisis world order.

Sobre autores

Democrit Zamanapulov

Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN)

Moscow, Russian Federation


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