Vol 5, No 4 (2023)


On the notion «the fictional religion»

Zubkovskaya A.A.


The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the notion of the fictional religion, which is used in religious studies to describe and study various aspects of post-secular culture. Within the framework of the modern post-non-classical type of rationality, the constructivist approach to understanding religion has become quite popular. In this regard, it is proposed to consider the term fictional religion (and related concepts, such as parody religion, invented religion, imaginary religion, etc.). as reflections of the problem of intentional creation of religious movements, which is a specific feature of modern culture. The main theoretical issues of this paper are the following. Is it possible to invent a religion? How to distinguish the phenomena of fictional religions and traditional religions? What approaches can a researcher use to study fictional religions? Which religions can be considered fictional, and which are invented? To explain the genesis and the nature of fictional religions, a neo-Kantian approach is proposed, based on the philosophy of symbolism of Ernst Kassirer and his disciple Susan Langer. In the perspective of symbolic philosophy, fictional religions are considered as cultural forms. In conclusion, a typology of fictional religions is proposed, approaches to defining its nature as hyperreality in postmodern terminology or cultural form from the point of view of the neo-Kantian approach, as well as a look at the structure of fictional religions.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):5-10
pages 5-10 views

A new type of state lies in journalism Y.M. Polyakova

Nesmeyanov E.E.


The work is devoted to the work of the outstanding Russian writer of our time — Yu.M. Polyakov, who revealed in his journalism a new phenomenon of political life in Russia in the 20th century “total state lie”. The main directions of Russophobia and anti-sovetism, which claim to be the state ideology, are shown. A reasoned criticism of “total icony” is given.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Passions on identity and the anonymity of society

Kozyr’kov V.P.


The article substantiates the idea that the real social process is not reducible to a set of identities. It has a dialectical character, while in social science it is mastered through the negation of dialectics. This has led to an anonymous society and to a culture and social science that reproduces this anonymity.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):15-20
pages 15-20 views

Secular and religious values: their content and interaction

Kosichenko A.G.


For modern societies existing in conditions of ever-increasing challenges and threats, it is extremely important to consolidate them, first of all, ideological and spiritual consolidation, which underlies all other forms of unity of societies. Spiritual and ideological consolidation presupposes, among other things, a balance of secular and religious values that unite society at its deepest levels. Clarifying the content of these values, exploring the possibilities and limits of their productive interaction, identifying the difficulties of their dialogue is the purpose of this article.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):21-26
pages 21-26 views

Education and upbringing as phenomena of European culture: classic, post-classical, and post-post-classical contexts

Mojeiko M.A.


Cultural modifications of the phenomenon of education, its priority role in classical culture, deformations of education and upbringing in postmodern culture and new intentions of post-post-non-classical culture in their interpretation are considered.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):33-38
pages 33-38 views

The practice of artificial intelligence and the problem of individual liberty

Kazaryan V.P.


The work is devoted to identifying new restrictions on the freedom of the individual, appearing in the conditions of intensive development of information technologies, namely the field of non-traditional artificial intelligence. Machine learning algorithms deny the individual the guarantee of the confidentiality of her mental and psychological state.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):27-32
pages 27-32 views

The phenomenon of identity and the problem of the Other in postcolonial studies

Sidorenko I.N.


The author of this article analyzes the problem of relationship with the Other, generated by the crisis of identity. The theories of decolonialism and postcolonialism are served as the methodological basis of this study. It is concluded that identity politics is fueled by hidden or repressed group identities seeking public recognition. This is dangerous in escalating violence as identity politics capitalizes on cultural myth and postcolonial trauma. The author of this article argues that overcoming the postcolonial complex is possible by making national identity the dominant identity while maintaining sovereignty and horizontality in the relationship with the former metropolis.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):39-44
pages 39-44 views

Bricolage and the «Fluid Identity» of Postmodernism

Lemiashova T.V.


This article explores the postmodern concept of «fluid identity». In contrast to the classical understanding of stable personal identity, the article presents postmodern tendencies that emphasize the instability and fragmentation of identity. The key features of this idea are elucidated, such as the deconstruction and loss of the core of identity, the pluralism and multiplicity of identities, and the influence of digital technologies on identity formation and expression. The concept of bricolage by Claude Lévi-Strauss is positioned as a mechanism that explains the process of creating a «fluid identity». The shift from established paradigms to a more flexible and individual way of perceiving and expressing identity in the contemporary world is noted.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):45-49
pages 45-49 views


Bioethik vs Genetik

Getmanov I.P.


Philosophical problems of bioethics in the context of the development of genetics, microbiology, medicine are considered. The positive and negative sides of gene modifications, cloning of organisms, extracorpuscular fertilization are highlighted. It is concluded that thanks to the development of biology and medicine, depending on whose hands scientific achievements are in, genetic engineering can work both for the benefit and to the detriment of man.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):50-55
pages 50-55 views

Methodological arsenal of Aristotle and Kant. Categories

Taysina E.A.


The classical toolkit of philosophy includes, as a necessary basic “set”, certain general concepts, extremely abstract and deeply essential, which are called in Greek categories, and in Latin predicabiles, but more often — universals.

Initially, Aristotle introduces the first ten such categories into his texts that further became canonic, in a small but very complex work of the same name. Up to the era of Modernity, his methodological arsenal served European philosophy with unfailing success.

However, in the XVIII century, Immanuel Kant, sharply and definitely distinguishing rationality and reason unlike Aristotle, introduces the categories of logic not as abstractions, but as propositions systematically developed from a general principle: the ability, or faculty, of judgment. These approaches are very different: for example, in relation to concepts, — and Aristotle’s categories are precisely concepts, — the question of truth does not arise at all: it concerns only judgments.

On the other hand, these approaches have something in common. Both philosophical systems in the field of gnoseology are formal-logical.

Kant’s approach, dialectical in the study and explanation of the objective world, in terms of the theory of knowledge was not yet dialectical; or, it is believed rather, that this was negative-dialectical. In fact, this approach is intermediate, syntagmatic.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):67-83
pages 67-83 views

An evolutionary view of foresight in the field of artificial intelligence

Elkhova O.I., Kudryashev A.F.


The article analyzes the task of scientific foresight in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and assesses the possibility of predicting AI development in the coming decades. Based on an evolutionary model of AI, the authors hypothesize that AI fits into the evolutionary development of humans. Drawing on the ideas of nomogenesis, first introduced by biologist L.S. Berg in 1922, they argue that embracing the concept of stable evolutionary patterns creates a fundamental possibility to predict a certain range of forthcoming changes as a result. The question of transferring the function of foresight from humans to AI is also examined, particularly in areas of science and technology where decision-making necessitates complex analysis of future potential outcomes. Strong arguments are presented in favor of the possibility of predicting AI development in principle, although with some degree of probability. This optimistic view aligns with researchers across various domains of human activity in which AI has already found or will yet find its application.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):56-66
pages 56-66 views

Post-non-classical modification of techno anthropology E. Kappa

Loiko A.I.


The article studies the evolution of techno-anthropology in the modifications of the classical, non-classical and post-non-classical periods of philosophical reflection on the example of the projection of human organs by E. Kapp. The reasons for the actualization of the design theory of human organs by E. Kapp in post-non-classical philosophy are described. The categorical apparatus of the post-non-classical philosophy of technology is analyzed. In the semantics of the post-non-classical philosophy of technology, a tendency for the dominance of technological determinism has been revealed. The situation of transformation of the paradigm of anthropocentrism into competing paradigms by modern man is stated. One of them is formulated as a paradigm of the creative disappearance of a person. The second paradigm is positioned as a strategy for the spatial expansion of a distributed human body, hybrid integrity, assembly and assemblages.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):84-90
pages 84-90 views

From the philosophy of «harmony of the world» towards the post-non-classical philosophy of music in the context of the phenomenon of transdisciplinarit

Kolomiets G.G.


The article examines the relationship between the philosophical harmony of the world and the substantial musical being, which brings musical theory and practice into the human life world, which is based on physical and mathematical laws and the principle of self-organization of the musical system in accordance with a single process of peacemaking with an increase in energy tension due to the evolution of the expanding Universe. Intuition and a developed musical consciousness open up expanded sound possibilities.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):91-96
pages 91-96 views

Cultural and technical progress in a sociogenetic perspective

Cheshev V.V.


The correlation of cultural and technical progress is considered as a manifestation of subject-active and behavioral principles in sociogenesis. Both factors of the sociogenetic process have relative autonomy, uniting in the systemic organization of society. The relevance of addressing the essence of cultural progress, which manifests itself in sociogenesis as the development of specific universal principles of behavior, appearing as the universal foundations of morality, is pointed out.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):97-102
pages 97-102 views


Values of the Domostroevsky cultural tradition

Tyugashev E.A.


The article presents a toxicological characteristic of the Domostroevsky cultural tradition as one of the main traditions that determine the civilizational development of Russia. The main values of this tradition are livability, good partnership, prudence, domesticity, a clear conscience.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(4):103-111
pages 103-111 views

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