Risk groups for multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the population

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Lack of several vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine and other minerals in the diet now is typical for the majority of the adult and children’s population of Russia, regardless of where they live, throughout the year. In addition, population groups that are additionally at risk of developing micronutrient deficiencies exist. Children 2–3 years old when switching to food from a common table, early puberty, pregnant and lactating women, persons with food intolerances and allergies, persons on elimination diets (vegetarians, vegans, etc.), or enriching the diet with dietary fiber, obese persons (reduced by caloric content of the diet), persons with gastrointestinal diseases (sparing diets, persons receiving drug therapy, persons with increased physical and psycho-emotional stress, the elderly, persons observing long-term religious fasts, athletes controlling body weight are among them. The role of each micronutrient depends on the sufficiency of the body with other micronutrients involved in the metabolism or necessary for the realization of the final function in the body. A recognized and scientifically grounded way to improve micronutrient status is the enrichment of the diet with vitamins and minerals. In the absence of mandatory fortification of mass-market foods the use of vitamin and mineral supplements is a great idea. The selection criterion is a complete set of vitamins and microelements, the deficiency of which is characteristic for a particular group of the population, and in doses close to the physiological needs of the body.

About the authors

alla Pogozheva Pogozheva

Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology

Author for correspondence.
Email: allapogozheva@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3983-0522

D. Sci. (Med.), Prof., Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety

Russian Federation, 2/14, Ustinskij pr., 109240, Mosсow, Russia

Vera Mitrofanovna Kodentsova

Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology

Email: Kodentsova@ion.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5288-1132
SPIN-code: 8470-1211

BD, PhD, Professor

Russian Federation, 2/14, Ustinskij pr., 109240, Mosсow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2020 Pogozheva a., Kodentsova V.M.

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