Selection methods for probiotic microorganisms with high adhesive properties

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BACKGROUND: The ability to adhere to the intestinal epithelium is a classic criterion for the selection of potential probiotic bacteria, which can lead to temporary colonization, which will promote immunomodulatory effects, as well as stimulate the intestinal barrier and metabolic functions.

AIM: To develop a comprehensive method of selection of highly active probiotic microorganisms capable of proliferation and complementation of the autochthonous intestinal microflora of an individual.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this research paper, several methods of selection of probiotic microorganisms are considered in order to determine the most useful and proliferative strains for subsequent use in clinical practice in the correction of metabolic disorders and relief of inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. The degree of adhesion of bacterial strains of probiotics was determined according to the standard methods described in the Guidelines of MUC 4.2.2602–10. When determining the adhesive activity of lactic acid bacteria on cell cultures, the cell culture was grown on a six-hole plate before the formation of a monolayer.

RESULTS: A scheme for selecting promising probiotics by the level of adhesive activity of strains belonging to the most commonly used types of microbial cultures in clinical practice has been developed. The indicators of the degree of adhesion of lactic acid bacteria in the range from 2.8 to 5.1, and the yeast probiotic strain S. cerevisiae var were determined.boulardii at 1.9. When assessing the adhesion of probiotic bacteria in vitro using mucin adsorbed on abiotic surfaces and carcinogenic human cell lines such as CaСo-2 and HT-29, NCM460, lactic acid bacteria also showed high results.

CONCLUSION: All strains of lactic acid bacteria used showed high or average adhesion to sheep blood erythrocyte cells, which confirms the probiotic potential of these types of cultures and complies with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The low degree of adhesion of the yeast culture indicates the rapid passage of yeast cells through the gastrointestinal tract and the inability of the strain culture to affect the composition of the autochthonous microflora of humans and animals. For a more detailed determination of the adhesive properties of probiotic culture, it is possible to use modern techniques using cell lines, including epithelial cells of human colon adenocarcinoma CaСo-2.

About the authors

Marya S. Kanochkina

Russian Biotechnological University; Research Organization “Microbial Nutrients Immunocorrectors” LLC

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6077-5957
SPIN-code: 2584-6474

Cand. Sci. (Tech)

Russian Federation, 11 Volokolamsk Highway, 125080 Moscow; Moscow

Ivan A. Fomenko

Russian Biotechnological University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2478-1705
SPIN-code: 5861-2838

Cand. Sci. (Tech)

Russian Federation, 11 Volokolamsk Highway, 125080 Moscow

Irina M. Chernukha

Federal Research Center for Food Systems

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4298-0927
SPIN-code: 3423-3754

Doc. Sci. (Tech)

Russian Federation, Moscow

Natalia G. Mashentseva

Russian Biotechnological University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9287-0585
SPIN-code: 9791-5806
Scopus Author ID: 57060483400
ResearcherId: R-8014-2016

Doc. Sci. (Tech), Professor

Russian Federation, 11 Volokolamsk Highway, 125080 Moscow


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