
How Russia carries out international search in the current political conditions: features, difficulties, prospects
Tarasov M.
The Principle of the Social State in the Russian Federation: The Evolution of the Content and Application in the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
Umnova-Koniukhova I., Kostyleva E.
Family and Social Policy of the State at the Present Stage: Main Directions and Development Prospects
Letova N.
State Corporations as an Object of Financial and Budgetary Control
Toria R., Hasanov N.
International and foreign economic relations agreements of the subjects of the Russian Federation: problems of legal regulation
Logvinova I.
Theoretical Aspects of Application of Islamic Economic Concept in Modern Conditions of Development of Russian Economy
Bulgakova M.
Problematic Issues of Bringing Legal Entities to Administrative Responsibility
Inshakova E.
The Legal Value of the Constitutional Foundations of Budgetary Federalism and Currency Sovereignty in Protecting Russia's Interests under Sanctions
Petrova G., Stupakov V.
Implementation of the Human Rights Function of the Notary in the Russian Federation
Nazarova L.
Public Finance and Economic Policy of Metropolis in the Context of Current External Challenges
Popkov S., Purtov K.
On National Economic Security Metаmorphoses at the Present Stage of Development of Russia and the World Community
Bulgakova M.
Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation: Genesis and Practical Aspect of Implementation
Shelegov Y., Zhigalova E.
Civil Law Regulation of the Institute of Compensation for Losses in Russia
Gavrilov V., Druzhinina D., Svatuhina T.
Problems of Qualification of Fraud in the Field of Lending
Sabitov R., Zharov S., Denisovich V.
Some Problems of Legal Regulation of Financial Control by Control and Accounting Bodies of Local Self-Government and Subjects of the Russian Federation in the Implementation of Procurement Activities
Konovalova Z.
Compensation for Moral Damage: Theory, Problems of Law Enforcement Practice and Ways of Overcoming them
Afanasyev I., Morozov N.
Analysis of Government Measures Aimed at Combating Crimes Committed Using Information and Telecommunication Technologies
Eltsin A.
Criminal Legal Consequences of Committing a Serious Negligent Crime
Borovikov V., Borovikova V.
Financial Control in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan: Comparative Legal Regulation
Konovalova Z.
Features of the Legal Status of Languages in the Polyethnic Subjects of the Russian Federation
Gukov A.
Current Approaches to Improving the Mechanism of Public-private Partnership in the Implementation of Joint Investment Projects
Melnikova D.
1 - 21 的 21 信息


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