
Improvement of Customs Regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union in the Current Conditions of the Development of Eurasian Integration: Problems and Prospects
Mozer S.
Legal Aspects of Development of Innovative Technologies in the Tourism Industry
Pavlikov S., Ermakov D.
Features of the Legal Protection of Personal Data Processed Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies
Okishev B.
The Behavior of Financial Market Entities as an Object of Control and Supervisory Activities of the Bank of Russia
Litovko A.
Methodology for the Analysis of Legal Instruments and Tools of the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
Actual Issues in the Development of International Customs Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Union with the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
Legal Aspects of the Formation of the Land Use System in Russia in the XVIII Century
Dereglazov A.
On the Issue of Improving the Legal Regulation of Crowdfunding in Russia
Rustamov P.
About Strategic Directions of Information Security Protection and Further Development of the IT Sector
Kiselev A., Barkov A.
Legal Ways to Overcome Sanctions Pressure on Labor Migration in the Russian Federation
Abdullaev E.
Tax Monitoring of Individuals
Komolov N.
Financial and Legal Regulation of the Management of the Military-Industrial Complex in Ensuring the Technological Sovereignty of Russia
Petrova G.
Formation and Development of Legal Regulation of Lending to Small and Medium-sized Businesses in Russia
Sorokina E.
Institutional approach to the role of the state in the economy: modern features
Kushnir A.
Public Finance and Economic Policy of Metropolis in the Context of Current External Challenges
Popkov S., Purtov K.
An Integrated Approach to the Financial and Legal Regulation of Bank Lending in Housing Construction
Vorobyov I.
Scientific and Methodological Approaches to Improve the EAEU Law on the Basis of Legal Instruments and Tools of the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
Legal Regulation of Geographical Indications in India
Sedov P.
The Theory of Legal Facts as an Element of the General Theory of Law
Bakirova D.
On the Organization of Effective Legal Relations with the World Customs Organization: Recommendations for Customs and Economic Unions
Mozer S.
Publicity in Criminal Proceedings under an Emergency Situation, Including with the Participation of a Jurer: Problems of Legal Regulation
Kostenyuk E.
Controlled Transactions: Features of Legal Regulation of Tax Control
Toria R.
Conflict of Laws Regulation of Family Relations with a Foreign Element
Gasanov N.
Analysis of the Legal Status of Observers in the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
Discretional Legal Technique and Technology of the Practice of Legal Regulation
Valiev R.
Legal measures of fighting with crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic: world experience and prospects for Russia
Shatalova A.
Creating of Trans-border Territories as a New form of the International Relationships
Loy D., Turgel I.
Problems of Family Law at the Present Stage: Their Influence on the Practice of Applying Norms Aimed at Protecting the Family and Childhood
Letova N.
On the Legal Regulation of Restrictions Associated with the Emergence of Epidemics in the Territories of the Russian Federation
Grischenko L., Sinodov I.
Current Problems of Legal Regulation in Modern Society and the State: Transformation of the Legal System, Digitalization and Socialization of Law
Adygezalova G., Kovaleva Y.
Problems of Criminal Legal Assessment of Infringements on Human Anatomical Integrity
Chukreev V.
The Institution of a Judicial Fine: Some Results of Law Enforcement; Opportunities for Improving Procedural Regulation
Lozinsky O.
Possibilities of Neural Networks in Legal Regulation of Land Management and Land Registry
Dereglazov A.
Analysis of the Legal Instruments of the European Union Regulating its Legal Status in the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
Cross-border Carbon Regulation: Challenges and Opportunities for Russian Oil and Gas Companies
Lebedeva N., Sidelnikova N.
«Accessory» as a Category in the Theory of Law
Trukhan R.
The Influence of Acts of International Law and Legislation of Foreign Countries on the Public Legal Regulation of Public-private Partnership Relations in Russia
Ushakov R.
The Doctrine of Good Morals in Civil and Family Law: Some Aspects
Hamidullina F.
Typical Methods of Illegal Logging (Based on Materials from the Russian Federation and Mongolia)
Amarsaikhan M.
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