Perspectives on Accounting for the Degree of Self-service of Restriction to Self-service in the Development and Application of Staffing Standards for Stationary Social Service Organizations

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The article deals with methodological and practical issues related to taking into account the degree of restriction to self-service in the development and application of staffing standards for stationary social service organizations. In particular, it is shown that the lack of clear formalized criteria for classifying recipients of social services living in stationary social service organizations as levels of need for outside assistance and the difficulty in quantifying the number of recipients belonging to different levels of need for outside help can lead to statistical distortions information on the basis of which management decisions are made, the desire of social service organizations to unreasonably increase the number in more labor-intensive levels of need for outside assistance. The authors propose two directions for overcoming the difficulties associated with a quantitative assessment of the number of recipients of social services by levels of need, and analyze their advantages and disadvantages. The article is of interest to specialists involved in the organization of labor rationing systems, personnel planning in the field of stationary social services for the population, as well as for researchers and analysts involved in the development of the system of social services for the population.

About the authors

Vladimir M. Smirnov

«All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor» of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Deputy Director General Moscow, Russian Federation

Maxim A. Shestakov

«All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor» of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

Deputy Director of the Center for Social Policy Research Moscow, Russian Federation


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