The study of potato hybrids in the Kola North




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The article presents data on the study of potato varieties (2020–2022) in the Murmansk region on the basis of an integrated scientific research institution Murmansk State Agricultural Experimental Station – a branch of the VIR. In the trial dig, the hybrid 211/1 was isolated, which exceeded in all main indicators (yield, marketability, mass of tubers from one bush, mass of one tuber) the standard sample – the most adapted to the conditions of the Kola North (variety Elizabeth). There were good results in the main cleaning in terms of marketability: in 2020: hybrid 211/1 – 98.9%, hybrid 114/11 – 98.6, hybrid 2103/7 – 99.4, hybrid 211/9 – 99.4%; in 2021. – 211/1 – 98,1, 114/11 – 96,3, 2103/7 – 98,4, 211/9 – 99,1%; in 2022. -211/1 – 99,5, 114/11 – 99,8, 2103/7 – 99,2, 211/9 – 99%. In 2020 and 2021, the hybrid 211/1 stood out among the other four in terms of yield, marketability, weight of tubers from one bush, weight of one tuber. In 2022, hybrids 114/11 and 211/9 had the best yields. The mass of one tuber in the main harvest in 2022 for the hybrid 114/11 is 126.3 g (more than the standard). According to the maturation time, all samples are close to the standard. According to the research results, the most adapted hybrid 114/11 can be recommended to the population of the northern region.




E. Karavaeva

Murmansk State Agricultural Experimental Station – branch VIR

俄罗斯联邦, Molochny village, Murmansk region


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