Influence of substrate and nutrient solution on biometric performance and net productivity of garden strawberry seedlings photosynthesis under photoculture conditions




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The effect of substrate and nutrient solution on biometric parameters and net photosynthesis productivity of strawberry seedlings of the White Swede variety obtained in vitro under light culture conditions at irradiation power of 126.8 and 172.3 mmol/m2/s was investigated. The highest seedlings with a horn diameter of 0.8 cm were obtained in variants using a mineral wool substrate and nutrient solutions at an irradiation power of 126.8 mmol/m2/s. The irradiation power of 172.3 mmol/m2/s contributed to the largest number of leaves in the variants MV+ PR and MV + 1 MS of 10.0 ± 0.5 pcs. in both cases, and the active development of the assimilation area of the leaves. The irradiation power of 126.8 mmol/m2/s and the use of a nutrient solution contributes to the better development of the root system. The net photosynthesis productivity on an organic substrate using a nutrient solution (CS+1 MS) is 1.5-2.5 times higher than when using an organic substrate filled with fertilizers (GT+water). The net photosynthesis productivity of the leaf apparatus of seedlings grown on a mineral wool substrate at an irradiation power of 126.8 mmol/m2/s was in the range from 0.27 to 0.33 mg/cm2/day, and at an irradiation power of 172.3 mmol/m2/s - in the range from 0.23 to 0.29 mg/ cm2/day.


V. Kondratiev

Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University


A. Kononenko

Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University

O. Ivakhnova

Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University

M. Kiselev

Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University

Yu. Loginova

Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University


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