Improving the technology of spelled cultivation in the central part of the North Caucasus conditions



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The purpose of the study. The main goal of the research was the optimization of technological methods for the cultivation of promising spelled varieties in the conditions of the Central part of the North Caucasus. Spelled is a grain crop with high quality indicators. Research methods for studying spelled varieties were carried out in 2020–2022 on the experimental field of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic at the University of Kabardino-Balkaria State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov, the nitrogen content in the soil was 0.12%, phosphorus 0.10% in a 30 cm soil layer, respectively. The scientific novelty of the research is represented by the fact that for the first time for the mountainous zone of the Central part of the North Caucasus, recommendations were given on the cultivation of promising spelled varieties, as well as cultivation technologies for high productivity. As a result, the harvest of spelled increased by 20%. This variety differs from the standard variety in high productivity parameters, as well as well-developed spikelets. For example, for wheat, the mass of 1000 seeds are taken into account, and for spelled, the total mass of spikelets, that is, five hundred spikelets contain a thousand grains. According to the morphological features, spelled bushes well and gives a good harvest during the harvesting process. This feature shows the high productivity of the plant, the weight in five hundred spikelets’ is 40 grams. To eliminate possible adverse effects when sowing spelled grain, it was decided to compare varieties for the selection of the most productive ones that form high-quality grain, as well as to the cultivation technology and the environment, as well as to compare the Yantara variety with the control. In the course of the experiments, regardless of precipitation and weather conditions, spelled formed a high yield, which, of course, is an important factor in yield. Thus, the work performed corresponds to the subject of the research work carried out in the field, as well as laboratory experiments, observation and analysis of the studies carried out corresponds to that set out in the article.

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Sobre autores

K. Mamedov

Kabardino-Balkar State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov


PhD Student

Rússia, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

I. Khanieva

Kabardino-Balkar State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov

Autor responsável pela correspondência
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6415-5832

Grand PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Rússia, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic


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Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. Quantitative indicators of spelt by plant height, stem length and ear.

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3. Fig. 2. Quantitative indicators of spelt by stem weight and ear weight.

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