Genetic aspects in working with the kholmogory cattle breed in the arkhangelsk region




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Monitoring of the genetic structure of cattle breeds allows conducting studies that provide information about the cross-section in the timeline by the frequencies of genotypes of blood groups. In particular, the study was carried out on 10 time intervals of observations in herds for the Kholmogorsky breed of breeding plants of the Arkhangelsk region (n = 10983). The dynamics is shown by the decrease and increase in the frequencies of individual alleles. The genetic structure of the herd becomes more homozygous, as the loss of alleles goes on. A similar situation has developed in the samples of cows of the first and ninth generations, their genetic structures are sharply different. According to the results of the research, it was found that the quantitative and qualitative composition of the allelofund of the Kholmogorsky cattle of the Arkhangelsk region has changed under the influence of breeding processes. It was found that the degree of homozygosity (theoretical) tends to decrease from 10.5% (3rd generation) to 6.5% (9th, 10th generation) in the context of the analyzed generations of females, and the number of effective alleles, respectively, increases from 9.4% to 15.4%. At the same time, it was revealed that the breeding stock of the herds of breeding plants of the Arkhangelsk region was heterogeneous according to the genetic panel of the EAV locus. The greatest genetic distance is shown by purebred cows of the Kholmogorsky breed of cattle of the 1-2 observation intervals with Holstein in the 9-10 intervals. Breeding work and assessment of genetic variability is a tool for successful breeding in cattle herds of breeding plants by generations. The event to create new and improve existing factory lines using genetic markers of breed affiliation is promising. This will reduce the negative consequences of related mating of parent pairs, as well as avoid an increase in the level of homozygosity in the controlled herds of the Arkhangelsk population of the Kholmogorsky cattle breed.


V. Prozherin

Federal Research Center for Comprehensive Study of the Arctic named after Academician N.P. Laverov

20, Nikolsky ave., Arkhangelsk, 163020

I. Selkova

Federal Research Center for Comprehensive Study of the Arctic named after Academician N.P. Laverov

20, Nikolsky ave., Arkhangelsk, 163020


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