Influence of mineral fertilizer on soil microflora

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The biomass of organic matter entering the soil after a particular crop affects the formation of humus, the phytosanitary state of the soil, and agricultural crops can use nutrients from plant residues much more efficiently than from mineral fertilizers. The article presents the results of many years of experiments on the study of the effect of stubble and root residues on the biological activity of soddy-podzolic soil using the application method in a field six-field crop rotation in the conditions of the Republic of Mari El. The experimental part of the work was carried out in the field on the experimental field of the Mari Research Institute of Agriculture - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FARC of the North-East according to the experience laid down in 1998. The repetition of options is three times, the location of the plots is systematic. It has been established that the activity of soil microflora mainly depends on the presence of organic matter in the soil. The highest activity of cellulose-destroying microorganisms on a natural background of fertility is observed in the second crop rotation when manure is applied for potatoes - 22.9% in the first period of exposure and 54.7% in the second period of exposure. The lowest biological activity of the soil for the first 45 days was noted in the grain-grass crop rotation (83% of cereals) - 17.7% and 43.4% - in the second period of exposure. This is due to the deficiency of organic substances due to their insufficient intake. The application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N60P60K60 for pre-sowing cultivation significantly increases the biological activity of the soil in relation to the unfertilized background, and a rather high intensity of decomposition of flax cloth was observed in the second crop rotation - for the first 45 days - 24.9%, for 90 days - 56.8%. Correlation analysis (1998-2019) between the average value of canvas decomposition under crops for the entire growing season and the value of the hydrothermal coefficient (HTC) showed a close direct relationship, which in the first exposure period (45 days) was 0.87-0.90, in the second period of exposure - 0.86...0.89.

About the authors

S. A Zamyatin

Mari Agricultural Research Institute - Mari Agricultural Research Institute - Branch of Federal Agricuctural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky


R. B Maksimova

Mari Agricultural Research Institute - Mari Agricultural Research Institute - Branch of Federal Agricuctural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky


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