Problems of Legal Regulation of Educational Development under Conditions of Regional Integration (on the Example of the EAEU)




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Modern integration processes are shaping a new era of interaction between states, economic and political systems, and people. International integration significantly expands cultural and informational contacts between peoples and states, affects management, production, trade, the labor market, political education, and other public institutions and processes. However, special attention is paid to the problems of education sector development. The Eurasian integration processes are no exception in this regard. In particular, the growth of the Eurasian Economic Union, which was created with the aim of building conditions for the accelerated development of the integration entity in accordance with modern requirements and the global challenges of our time. Currently, the areas of economic cooperation within the Union include, among others, the field of education, which makes it necessary to assess the problems of proper legal regulation within the international integration organization. The methodological bases of the work were the well-known general and particular methods of scientific research. The objectives of the current article are to study the relevant problems of legal support in the field of education at the supranational level and identify general trends, as well as the essential characteristics and main features in the field under consideration.


Dmitriy Galushko

Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9301-9565

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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