About the Legal Nature of the Termination of Obligation in the Context of Modern Legislation




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In this article, the author proposes a concept for understanding the termination of a civil obligation in the context of modern legislation. The study aimed to build a doctrine on the concept of the legal nature of the termination of obligations in the context of modern domestic legislation. To solve this, the study analyzed the available theoretical approaches, set out in theoretical studies and educational literature on determining the termination of an obligation. It further analyzed law enforcement practices to determine the answer to the question posed, as well as generalization and systematization of the data obtained. To solve the set tasks, the author analyzed the available approaches to understanding the termination of obligations. The paper presents the results of the research performed, based on the analysis of the current rules of civil legislation, aimed at regulating the issues of termination of obligations through the concept of existing legal links between the elements of the corresponding obligation relationship. The methodological basis of the research is the method of analysis, the sequential study of individual aspects, and the synthesis of the results obtained, integrating them into a single whole. The structural basis of the study is made up of aspects of law enforcement practice, in order to establish through them the desired concept, the study of the Soviet and sovereign civilian array, substantiating individual provisions of the declared topic, and building a general picture based on the results of a generalized analysis of the material presented. The study made it possible to conclude that when a civil obligation’s structure is destroyed, due to the interruption of legal ties between any of the elements, which constitutes the legal nature of the phenomenon under consideration, the obligation is terminated by operation of law.


Andrey Ananiev

Ryazan State University named after S.A. Esenin

Email: andrey-a-g@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9004-9259
SPIN 代码: 3813-2320
Researcher ID: AAL-3043-2020

candidate of legal sciences, assistant professor

俄罗斯联邦, Ryazan


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