Legal thinking in the context of linear and cyclical politogenesis





On the basis of a refined definition of legal thinking, its features are determined in relation to socio-historical time and national culture. It is proposed to perceive this phenomenon as a specific mental process of modeling laws of law-making and law-realization activities carried out within the framework of national and international legal cultures and based on axiomatic factors characteristic of these cultures.

The specificity of perception of political genesis within a linear and cyclical history is shown. The ratio of circular and spiral development cycles is considered, with emphasis on the wave theory of social development of E. Toffler.

Based on the provisions of this theory, a hypothesis of pluralistic multicultural legal thinking is constructed, which presupposes an equal, free dialogue between representatives of various social systems that coexist in modern times, but are in dichronic sociohistorical times. Being capable of moving from one social system to another, carriers of various types of legal thinking, thereby demonstrating their ability to travel not only in space, but also in socio-historical time, adaptation to which occurs in relative independence from the will of states, as well as from national traditions.

Analyzed structural and substantive features of legal thinking in the context of changing socio-historical cycles (waves).

It is noted that linear and cyclical legal thinking cannot exist in isolation from each other. However, representing different perspectives of the perception of legal reality, the models in question act as “parallel” planes, each of which sets its own parameters of perception, measurement, and evaluation of the state and law.

The modern world, having ceased to be bipolar, is becoming multicultural. At the same time, the recognition of a person, his rights and freedoms as a universal global legal value means that any person, regardless of his social and legal status, is a valuable legal phenomenon — a subject of law.


Roman Romashov

St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions; Institute of Economics and Law of Petrozavodsk State University


Professor at the Department of Theory of Law and Law Enforcement at St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, Professor at the Department of Theory of Law and Civil Law Disciplines of the Institute of Economics and Law of Petrozavodsk State University, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg; Petrozavodsk


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