The role of legal intellection in the lawmaking mechanism





The article gives the author’s interpretation of legal intellection as a special kind of professional thinking. It is underlined that legal intellection is directly connected with lawmaking, since the law is a result of both of these processes. The main directions of its influence on the elements of the lawmaking mechanism are considered. The author interprets lawmaking mechanism as a set of interrelated and interdependent technical and legal elements that support law creation. These elements include the law-makers; law-making methods and techniques; the rules of claw; forms (sources) of law. It is noted that the lawyer’s belonging to a particular type of legal understanding determines the understanding of lawmaking process. The author analyzes the influence of legal thinking style, determined by legal traditions of various legal families, on application of various forms of law as a result of lawmaking. The examples from Russian and American legal reality are given. The problem of legal intellection level of lawmakers is discussed, because of its influence on the quality of sources of law. It is concluded that legal intellection as a special kind of professional thinking permeates all types of legal activities and, first of all, directly affects the specifics of the lawmaking mechanism, determining the content of its main elements: the law-makers are the “holders” of legal intellection; methods, techniques of law-making are determined by the stylistic features of legal thinking; the quality of the forms of law created in the lawmaking process directly depends on the legal thinking level of their creators.


Ekaterina Petrova

Ivanovo State University; Ivanovo Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

SPIN 代码: 9756-9930

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Law

俄罗斯联邦, Ivanovo


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