Legal thinking in a post-classical perspective





On there were the leading theorists of the law of the country. In article presented the author’s position about problems and perspectives of juridical thinking in post-classic perspective. Juridical thinking is it is a symbolic and informational activities according to the sphere of law, which acts as an internal, mental or mental content of legal practice, “accompanying” every legal action. Understanding (reflection) of juridical thinking is actual because of “cognitive revolution” in modern science. Most importantly moments, defining thinking of the postmodern era, characterizing all its levels and types, including legal thinking, are: uncertainty, contextuality, relativity, complementarity. Our knowledge about object is always incomplete, relative and contextual. Law is a complex, multifaceted, stochastic, potentially inexhaustible phenomenon that does not have a single referent to which the entire legal reality could be reduced (reduced). In extensive relations with all social phenomena (and not only social) there are more and more new properties of law. Numerous authorities today form many legal orders and at the same time types of juridical thinking. They set different images of law at the level of customary law and different criteria for assessing formal legislation. One of the differences of post-modern legal thinking (as well as thinking in any other sphere) is also its manipulativeness carried out by the authorities through media communications.


Ilya Chestnov

St. Petersburg Law Institute of the University of the Prosecutor of the RF


Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Honored Lawyer of the RF

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg


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