Technological Singularity as a Point of No Return: Back to the Future? (Philosophical Legal View)





The authors offer their views on the processes of establishing and developing worldwide digital technologies of intruding in human civilization. The world is now witnessing the creation of a wide range of cyber-physical systems, different types of robots, artificial intellects, robot-engineering units, intellectual and brain systems. Because of this, there is an imperative need to resolve all the different philosophical, legal, political and moral problems that have come to the surface.We may ask: how can these new types of intellects, these so-called «post-humans» interact with Homo sapiens? Do they have a conscience, and are they, in this case, subjects of law? By the actions of humanoids, androids, hynoids, different types of industrial and social robots, is it possible to speak about their empathy, responsibility for what they do from the point of view of moral dogmas and norms of law?It is noteworthy that the current development of brain-computer interface based on direct contact between human and computer consciousness will have an impact on changing the concepts of democracy, rights and freedoms, equality, justice and religious convictions.The article offers a brief analysis of the philosophy of trans-humanism. Having reached the point of technological singularity from which it will no longer be possible to return to the past. Therefore, technological singularity is that critical point for mankind which can lead to self-liquidation. The only possible way to exclude such a pessimistic future for the whole of mankind is to pool the efforts of the community, by upgrading the role of collective start- ups, common interests and social interests as a special universal boon.Only by coordinating and harmonizing public, collective interests, the interests of Man and Nature, will it be possible to begin elaborating general norms for helping us to regulate new public relationships with this technological element.


A Popova

Business Finance University under Russian Federation Government; State and Law of the Institute of Law of the Bashkir State University


M Abramova

Lomonosov Moscow State University



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