EU Sanctions against Russia: Features of the Legal Mechanism





The article is devoted to the examination of the new stage of EU. The aim of the article is to analyze legal problems related to the formation of modern EU law international and integration law in the context of globalization, the place of integration law in the system of the legal international law and the formation of Russia’s overall international policy.Scope of the article is the norms of integration law, international law, European Union (EU) law and domestic law, aimed at solving these problems and the features of the legal mechanism of sanctions of EU at the present stage of the development of EU law.The article analyses the perspectives of the further transformation of the alliance, including the prospects of the elaboration of the new strategic concept.Author’s reasonable position relies on the legislation and opinions of the competent scientif ic environment on the question of patterns of the development of the subject in point. Based on the analysis of legal norms, the distinctive features of the development of the concept of «sanction» are differentiated regarding globalization and the formation of integration communities caused by it.The methodological basis of the research is a set of methods of scientific knowledge, among which the main place is occupied by the methods of historicism, comparative-legal, as well as formal-legal and systemic approach.The analysis at the article of the formation of a new legal international and integration law and of integration law carried out in the article and its connection with the practice is for the first time conducted in the Russian legal science. Its provisions can be used in further studies on issues of integration, international, European and comparative law.The research revealed the importance of integration communities for the development of international law.


O Meshcheryakova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



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