The Formation of the Judicial Corps as a Function of State Power: the Essence and Problems

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The article examines the issues involved in forming the judicial corps for the national judiciary. Further, it identifies some problems that require legislative regulation. The purpose of the study is to analyze theoretical, legal, and law enforcement documents related to the formation of the judicial corps, to identify its essential nature and problems. The object of the study was the formation of the judicial corps, its essence, and its organizational and legal foundations as a function of state power. The subject of the study was a set of theoretical, legal, and organizational issues arising in connection with the formation of the judicial corps. The study used formal-logical and comparative legal methods, with the help of which the analysis of theoretical materials, normative documents, and law enforcement practice was carried out, which made it possible to give the author's definition of the judicial corps, based on a professional expertise. The result of the study was the author's reasoned position regarding the formation of the judicial corps as a function of state power and also revealed some problems that developed in the process of implementation of the judicial corps. The analysis shows the absence of a conceptual approach to the formation of the judicial corps as a function of state power, which may reduce public confidence in the judicial power. This situation requires further reform of federal legislation through the development of standards for the formation of the judicial corps, ensuring a high level of public confidence, as well as the establishment of comprehensive measures to verify the effectiveness of the realization of this function of state power.

About the authors

Irina I. Kiryushchenko

Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

lawyer, candidate

Russian Federation, Moscow


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