Selected aspects of social danger of crime theory

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The question of social danger, its criteria and structure, is literally central in the doctrine of crime. There are tens, if not hundreds, of works devoted to this topic. Despite this, social danger still remains one of the most controversial areas of criminal law theory, and an underexamined field of study.

The conclusion about the danger of a crime is the result of legislative consideration of many factors, which only provide a basis for criminalization. It should be obvious that each of these components can and should be independently assessed for public danger. Only in their totality can an act and its consequences be integrated into a general conclusion about the danger of a crime bia “separate” assessments of the danger of an individual. Among these factors, an act as a consciously volitional unlawful behavior of a person plays a special role. The act and its danger are an independent subject of assessment by the legislator and law enforcement body; the assessment of the danger of the act and the assessment of the danger of the crime are different types of assessment practice.

About the authors

Olga S. Guzeeva

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Law, Judge of the Commercial Court of the Moscow Region

Russian Federation


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