Categories of “integration” and “disintegration” in international law: modern conceptual approaches

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The importance of the category of “integration” in the modern system of international relations can hardly be overestimated. The science of international law is no exception, and its development has recently been largely conditioned by the ongoing integration processes between states, the main subjects of international law. The very international legal doctrine has developed many approaches to the characteristics of its essential characteristics, including integration. Despite the objective nature of integration, its development in the context recent disintegration events that have taken place in the international arena and given rise to crisis phenomena (the first of which is, of course, the process of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union), predetermine the relevance as well as the theoretical and practical significance of this article. The methodological basis of the work includes well-known general and specific methods of scientific research. The purpose and objectives of the article are to study the relevant problems and the essence of integration and disintegration processes in the international arena, characterize the main doctrinal approaches to them, and identify general trends as well as the essential characteristics and main features of these phenomena.

About the authors

Dmitriy V. Galushko

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9301-9565
SPIN-code: 1710-5918

Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities

Russian Federation


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