A few words about the Constitution: philosophers are denied

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The article reveals the possibilities of cooperation between philosophers and lawyers in various interpretations of the Constitution as the basic law of the state and constitutionalism as a philosophical and legal doctrine. The authors address the complex issues of interpretation of legal concepts, as well as the experience of philosophical reflection in the consideration of legal phenomena and processes. For this purpose, in particular, dissertations devoted to global constitutionalism and the Constitution of Russia as a factor of preservation of traditional values and norms of the Russian society are analyzed. The authors of the article emphasize that both theses were not supported by the Higher Attestation Commission, but they can be regarded as a new scientific direction in the interdisciplinary interaction of philosophy and law. The authors explore the Constitution and constitutionalism in a philosophical way: not as normative legal acts, but as sociocultural phenomena, the development of which is associated with
the traditions and customs of culture, ideology, and philosophy of the state and statehood. The problem of “narrow” places of understanding of constitutional meanings is indicated in the material. This problem can be solved only in cooperation of various fields of knowledge, philosophical and legal first and foremost. Such interaction has some advantages: 1) it allows one to identify the dominant value in the regulation of social relations; 2) it minimizes the effects of errors in the interpretation of specific rules of law and improving the law enforcement practice;
3) it provides an empirical experience understanding of the law; 4) it reveals the features of legal life and society through the prism of axiological–normative system of culture, etc. Thus, the article focuses on the significant theoretical and methodological role of philosophical knowledge in the reinterpretation of constitutional meanings.

About the authors

Evgeniy A. Popov

Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Email: popov.eug@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3324-8101
Scopus Author ID: 9840841100
ResearcherId: B-3580-2016

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy

Russian Federation, Barnaul

Natalya A. Sterlyadeva

Altai State University

Email: sterlyadeva@socio.asu.ru

Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Empirical Sociology and Conflictology

Russian Federation, Barnaul


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Copyright (c) 2020 Popov E.A., Sterlyadeva N.A.

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