Using the scenario approach in anti-corruption management processes (on the example of the construction industry)

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This study discusses the methodological and applied problems of increasing the effectiveness of the anti-corruption management process. An analysis of the essence and forms of corruption, as well as their negative impacts on the socioeconomic development of the society is offered.

To increase the effectiveness of anti-corruption problem-solving and assess the decision-making process pertaining to management, a scenario analysis is proposed.

The analysis of basic multigraph models of anti-corruption management focuses on the construction industry, using functional symbolic graphs.

According to the results, it is more effective to look more broadly at the criminological problem of combating corruption by linking its solution to developments in the fields of economics, sociology, and psychology.

The current publication is considered a new approach to the development of specific measures to counter this type of crime.

About the authors

Vladimir L. Shults

Center for the study of security problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 9962-3002

Doctor of philosophy, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the prize of the government of the Russian Federation in education, scientific director

Russian Federation, Moscow

Vladimir V. Kulba

Institute of Management Problems V.A.Trapeznikova of the Russian Academy of Sciences

SPIN-code: 4491-2860

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Management

Russian Federation, Moscow

Aleksey B. Shelkov

Institute of Management Problems named after V.A.Trapeznikova of the Russian Academy of Sciences

SPIN-code: 4961-7347

Ph.D., Leading Researcher

Russian Federation, Moscow

Igor V. Chernov

Institute of Management Problems V.A.Trapeznikova of the Russian Academy of Sciences

SPIN-code: 1475-7724

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory

Russian Federation, Moscow

Andrey A Timoshenko

University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

SPIN-code: 6085-1278
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Shults V.L., Kulba V.V., Shelkov A.B., Chernov I.V., Timoshenko A.A.

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