Criminal Procedural Issues of Proving in Pre-trial Proceedings in Criminal Cases on Crimes Committed by Falsification of Debt Obligations

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In this article, the author addresses a rather specific issue – the peculiarities of compliance with the criminal procedural requirements for evidence in cases involving crimes committed through the use of debt obligations. This primarily concerns combattiting criminal behavior such as fraud, property-related offenses, and various illicit actions in bankruptcy cases. The public danger of such crimes is associated with a significant impact of their consequences on normal economic activity. Currently, civil and arbitration procedural laws do not grant judge, prosecutor, or other state representatives sufficient authority to uncover illegal actions or identify falsified evidence. The purpose of this article was to highlight the peculiarities of how criminal procedural legislation deals with cased involving falsification of obligations. Based on this study, the author formulated proposals for reforming criminal procedure law.

About the authors

Alexey V. Popov

Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0005-3862-1472
SPIN-code: 3477-5616


Russian Federation, 8, st. Zoya and Alexandra Kosmodemyanskikh, 125171 Moscow


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