The Most Common Type of Political Regime under Capitalism

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In this article, the author proposes that the most common type of political regime lies beneath the dominance of capital plutocracy. The author differentiates opposing trends in specific actions taken by various factions of the ruling class to define their value orientations. The article focuses on the pro-Western fifth column, a prominent class in our country, comprising individual representatives of power structures and open-minded professionals, while expressing full support for a part of the domestic establishment (headed by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin) and the associated patriotic intelligentsia whose aim is to comprehensively revive Russia’s power. At the same time, the author believes that the mobilization of all institutions of the state and society is necessary to defeat the collective West, a feat that is only possible by upholding the fundamental foundations of capitalism.

About the authors

Alexander Dzh. Kerimov

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 7041-9829

doctor of law, professor, chief researcher

Russian Federation, 10, st. Znamenka, 119019 Moscow


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