Criminal Legal Mechanisms for Ensuring the Economic Security of Domestic Cargo Transportation

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The area of the Russian Federation exceeds 17 million km2, and the distance between the extreme geographical points is 8.230 km. Therefore, transport plays a crucial role in public relations, providing transportation of goods, passengers, and luggage. One of the serious threats to the transport complex is the increase in economic crimes, including those in internal cargo transportation.

This study aimed to analyze the current state and effectiveness of criminal law mechanisms for ensuring the economic security of domestic freight transportation considering the need to protect the domestic transport complex from criminal encroachments. This goal predetermined the following tasks: to characterize the transport complex as one of the leading branches of the national economy of key importance for the economy; to analyze the main types of crimes from the perspective of threats to the economic security of this complex; and to formulate conclusions and proposals for improving the criminal law provision of economic security of domestic cargo transportation. The study employed the dialectical method of cognition and general scientific methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis, deduction, concretization, and modeling.

CONCLUSION: The study results revealed the current state and effectiveness of criminal law mechanisms for ensuring the economic security of domestic cargo transportation (by which we understand the symbiosis of the relevant criminal law norms and the possibilities of their application in practice). The proposals based on the study results will contribute to improving the effectiveness of criminal law mechanisms for ensuring the economic security of domestic cargo transportation.

About the authors

Elena V. Gorenskaya

The Institute of legislation and comparative law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9063-8750

candidate of law, associate professor, senior researcher

Russian Federation, Moscow


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