Socio-Philosophical Views of L.N. Tolstoy on the Institutions of Law and the State

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The author analyzes and undoubtedly appreciates the views of Leo Tolstoy concerning the essence, content, organization, and functioning of such relevant socio-cultural and political institutions as law and the state. He shows a positive attitude toward the corresponding views of a notable Russian thinker.

This article describes the specific, inalienable (in other words, obligatory in its kind and at the same time amazing) qualities and immanent properties of those writers and scientists who have succeeded in achieving excellent results in the spiritual comprehension of the world.

The fundamental conclusion is substantiated by the understanding of Leo Tolstoy of these institutions (at least in the part where it is a question of their criticism), which almost coincides with the Marxist doctrine.

About the authors

Alexander D. Kerimov

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Law, Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow


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