The use of digital technologies in the implementation of prosecutorial oversight of the implementation of laws in the admission, registration and resolution of reports of crime (legal and organizational aspects)

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The article discusses some issues of the use digital technology in the implementation of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of laws in the reception, registration and resolution of reports of crimes in the bodies of preliminary investigation. Active use of digital technologies in this area of supervisory activities is extremely relevant and practical justified as a necessary condition for prompt receipt, objective assessment of information on the legality and validity of actions and decisions of subjects receiving, registering and resolving crime reports, and the event of their wrongfulness — taking appropriate situations, organizational and practical measures of the prosecutors response.

According to the author, it is necessary to expand the range of information processed using the appropriate software product. It is proposed to organize the acquisition of data on the results of the investigation of a crime, criminal case about which, as a result of the identification by prosecutors of criminal violations of federal laws, human and civil rights and freedoms, as well as on the results of the work on the search for the missing.

In connection whit the regulatory gaps in the use of digital technologies in law enforcement, in is proposed to issue a federal law «On Single Record of Crimes», including defining the responsibility of the heads of preliminary investigation bodies to immediately inform prosecutors about the allegations and reports about crimes received.

About the authors

Vyacheslav N. Isaenko

O.Ye. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Author for correspondence.

Professor of the Department of Organizing Court, Prosecutorial and Investigative Activities, LLD., Doctor of Law Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2019 Isaenko V.N.

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