Tactics of presenting evidence by a prosecutor in a judicial investigation

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The article deals with individual issues of the tactics of participation of the prosecutor — the public prosecutor in the basis of the part of the judicial investigation in criminal cases, which is connected with the presentation of evidence of the prosecution. It is noted that at present in the matter of determining the order of examining evidence by the parties, a unified position has been formed of both theorists and practitioners. They recognize the complete independence of the parties to determine this procedure in accordance with the tactics chosen by them.

At the same time, the author draws attention to the fact that theoretical and methodical works still do not pay enough attention to the content and essence of this activity of the prosecutor in court, despite their obvious importance. His activity in the judicial investigation largely depends on the importance of tactical methods of presenting evidence and the ability to apply them. If he does not have the appropriate professional baggage, he will have considerable difficulty in the adversary process.

The author sets out his own position regarding the content of evidence presented by the prosecutor — the public prosecutor, proposes to include a definition of the relevant concept in the terminological apparatus of science of criminal procedure law and to fix it in the criminal procedure law. A derivative of it is the definition of the notion of tactics for the presentation of evidence by the prosecutor — the public prosecutor. Conclusions are formulated on the need to intensify the development of up-to-date recommendations on the tactics of presenting evidence of a charge in a judicial investigation in criminal cases on crimes certain types

About the authors

Elena V. Pavlova

Moscow Region Prosecutors

Author for correspondence.
Email: evpavlova12@yandex.ru

Deputy Head the Criminal and Judicial Administration of the Moscow Region Prosecutors,  Applicant for the University of the Prosecutors Office of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation, Moscow


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