Review of the first All-Russian scientific conference «Current problems and prospects of development of school of sciences of chrono-discrete mono-geography comparative jurisprudence»

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Analysis of the most interesting reports of participants is presented in the review of the first All-Russian conference “Current Problems and Prospects of Development of School of Sciences of Chrono-Discrete Mono-Geography Comparative Jurisprudence” which took place in Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration on October 30, 2018. On the basis of the methodological principles of school of sciences of CMCJ the cross-disciplinary and interindustry dialogue which allowed to reveal the general regularities of different development of institutes, the ideas, concepts, the phenomena and processes, being object of studying of various researchers was built. The purpose of a conference consisted in judgment of specifics the chrono-discrete of institutes, the ideas, concepts, the phenomena and processes from positions of various branch approaches within uniform methodology of school of sciences of CMCJ and establishment of cross-disciplinary communications. Reports of participants created problem and thematic blocks, to the devoted problems of the theory and methodology of CMCJ-researches, judicial and state and legal institutes through a prism of the methodological principles of school of sciences, to institutes of civil society and other public institutes in the context of CMCJ-methodology, to private-law concepts and institutes as to objects of studying of school of sciences of CMCJ. The discussion developed during the conference affected various aspects of the temporary gap dividing linear development of institutes, concepts and other objects of studying of school of sciences, feature of reproduction of the corresponding objects in modern conditions. Following the results of a scientific action the decision on holding the Second All-Russian scientific conference “Current Problems and Prospects of Development of School of Sciences of Chrono-Discrete Mono-Geography Comparative Jurisprudence” in October, 2019 was made, and materials of the First conference were published in the separate collection of scientific works.

About the authors

Kirill A. Demichev

Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management – branch of RANEPA

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 6605-7411

Candidate of Sciences (history), Associate Professor, Head of the Sector of a Postgraduate Study

Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod


  1. Demichev K.A. Idea and Conception as Object of Studying of Chrono-Discrete Mono-Geography Comparative Jurisprudence. Russian journal of legal studies. 2017. No. 3. P. 80-86.
  2. Demichev A.A. Principles and prospects of development of scientific directions “Chrono-discrete mono-geography comparative law”. Legal science and practice: Journal of Nizhny Novgorod academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of Russia. 2016. No. 1. P. 24-25.
  3. Aktual’nye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya nauchnoj shkoly Hronodiskretnogo monogeograficheskogo sravnitel’nogo pravovedeniya: sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam Pervoj vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferencii / Pod red. Demicheva A.A., Demicheva K.A. Nizhnij Novgorod: NIU — filial RANHiGS, 2018.

Copyright (c) 2019 Demichev K.A.

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