Human rights politic in postmodern world

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Human Rights are a complex meta-legal phenomenon that serves to justify and legitimize the existing law and order. Human Rights are not rules of law or legal relations. They are similar with law principles. The subject of the article is a theoretical understanding of human rights in the post-modern world. The aim of the study is to conceptualize human rights in the context of post-modernity. The research methodology is determined by the post-classical research program developed by the author over the past twenty years. In relation to the topic of the article, it involves the study of the construction of human rights and their practical reproduction. Human rights from the point of view of the sociology of law is the actual legal status of a person in the relevant legal system. Human rights define and limit legal policy. At the same time, the content of human rights is determined by the legal policy. Human rights can only be justified from the standpoint of the prevailing values. However, in the modern world, values are contextual and relatable. Therefore, only pragmatism as an abstract value can be the basis of human rights in the post-modern world. The main problem of modern philosophy and theory of law is the impossibility of meaningfully and universally define the measure of human rights. Only an abstract Declaration of human rights can be universal and meaningful. Their specific content is always contextual. It is determined by the policy in the field of human rights. Human rights policy is, on the one hand, the construction of social ideas about the content of human rights. Further, it is the concretization of these representations in the appropriate forms of law. On the other hand, human rights policy is a reproduction of these ideas in discursive practices. In these types of practices, human rights are implemented in a de facto legal order.

About the authors

Ilja Chestnov

St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of Federal Establishment of Higher Education «University of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation»

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2083-5876

PhD, Full Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law

Russian Federation, 191014, Saint-Petersburg, Liteiny pr., 44


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