Basic functions of the state, supreme authority and state apparatus: criteria of distribution and political and legal content

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In scientific works devoted to the functions of the state, they are not separated from the functions of the state apparatus, moreover, the functions of the latter are not emphasized. The reason for this is the actual identification of the state with the organization of public political power, its apparatus (mechanism). With this approach, it is quite natural that the functions of the state and the functions of the state apparatus are actually identical. The article substantiates the existence of any sovereign state objective organic functions: integration, adaptation, institutionalization, and management, from which the functions of the entire system of public power of the state. The General and General function of the latter is the public (state) management of all socially significant Affairs in the state, which ensures its maintenance, preservation and reproduction of its own systemic integrity, and, where necessary, reform and development. All areas and activities of public authority, which in the theory of state and law is called the functions of the state actually act as a function of the state apparatus. According to their content, they are activities for the management of the entire system of public power by individual branches and spheres of public life and can be classified on a variety of grounds: internal and external; basic and non-basic (auxiliary); economic, social, cultural, administrative and political, etc. Their distribution between different levels, levels and bodies of the state apparatus are established by the Supreme power, the main functions of which are the constituent (the establishment and reform of the state), the management of the state-organized society as a single integral organism (political leadership), the function-the role of the political center as the place of the most important strategic decisions, the function-the role of the Supreme socio-political arbiter in the state and society.

About the authors

Nikolai I. Grachev

Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the RF

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law

Russian Federation, Volgograd


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