Democracy and totalitarianism in contemporary understanding

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The examination of political reactions content in historical terms has shown that their substance does not remain unchanged. Originally democracy means perverted and unnatural political order, the power of poor, that occurs only for a very short time during the political crises. Democracy began to name government by the people or majority only from the first bourgeois revolutions.

The author believes that the idea of government by the people is deeply populist and it is against the laws of nature and society. The generally accepted classification of political reactions does not take into account the useful properties of hierarchy for the society and completely identify the socially useful and legally enshrined in corporate affairs principle of one-man management with totalitarian regime.

Currently not a single “color revolution” is not without a number of slogans and populist perceptions about human being and society presented in the end of the XVIII century. The spread of “democracy” does not involve the assistance in economic development and in the establishment of the high social standards typical for west countries, but on the contrary preserve poverty and backwardness of world periphery.

The author comes to a conclusion that it is necessary to develop the more modern and adequate perceptions about politic reactions taking into account the explanations of natural sciences. In the authors view the democracy constitute “soft” hierarchy that admit the majority of the people to the acceptable social status in conditions of missing the firm competitive relations in the society. Solidarity among people, consensus of the interests, moral and political unity as a result of approximately equal social status, social stability and mobility, the lack of deep social division are the main characteristics of the democracy. Totalitarianism can be defined as a violence from the side of society or collective towards person who does not want follow antihuman consumer values.

About the authors

Alexey Yu. Novoseltsev

Far Eastern Federal University

Author for correspondence.

democracy; totalitarianism; classification of political reactions; hierarchy; government by the people; natural sciences; populism; oligarchy; “color revolution”

Russian Federation, Vladivostok


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