On the content of the law enforcement function

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Nowadays the technology progress, appearance of new modern special literature sources and easy possibility of detailly familiarization with many old sources allow us to underline general features of the law and enforcement function. But despite available legal sources, the content of law enforcement function state certain not enough.

Author drew conclusions about necessity of definition of notion «law enforcement» for exposing the content of law enforcement function. Article consider some mentions of term in laws and regulations of Russian Federation, whereby determines the importance and the indispensability of notion in Russian legal system. Despite containing of judicial aspects in the law and enforcement essence it is retracing also philosophy, social, political and many other aspects halfway through studying and disclosing of law and enforcement essence. Author determines the final aim of law and enforcement in Russia after analyzing and studying the legal notion. It is determined in research, that law and enforcement is the main part of law and enforcement state function. But eventually it is noted that the last notion is more wide-ranging then the first.

It is attached in the article the analyze of researcher’s opinions in this direction, discovered the content and the significance of law and enforcement function in modern period and its place in the system of state functions. Special care took priority of this state direction activity among variety state functions and its final aim, retraced the state’s law and enforcement function and provisions based on decreasing and curbing crime in state link.

It is determined, that the significance of law and enforcement function considerably grew up in real situation based on research. Author emphasizes the main attention in needing of detailly studying of state activity signs based on law and enforcement.

About the authors

Artur S. Elizbaryan

Law Institute of the Altai State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: Artur99999_93@mail.ru

Postgraduate Student of the Law Institute

Russian Federation, Barnaul


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