The activities of the prosecution to ensure the rule of law in the implementation of state policy in the field of patriotic education of young people: relevance and problems

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Today the issue of Patriotic education of citizens is very important. Part 2 of аrticle 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation prohibits to establish any state ideology. To solve this problem in this article, the author bases his conclusions on the theory of “constitutional patriotism” by Jurgen Habermas. The Constitution of the Russian Federation already contains Patriotic norms, fulfilling which a citizen can be called a real patriot. These are articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation about State symbols of the Russian Federation (part 1 of article 70), about the preservation of cultural heritage (part 1). 3 article 44), about the duty to protect the Fatherland (part 1 article 59).

In preparing this article, the author studied the legal framework of Patriotic education, legally enshrined in 47 laws of the subject of Russian Federation on Patriotic education, the legal framework of Patriotic education, proposed in the Concept of Patriotic education of citizens in the Russian Federation, as well as the legal framework of Patriotic education, set out in the analytical note of the Russian state military historical and cultural center of the Government of the Russian Federation (Rosvoentsentr). Further explored the legal framework of Patriotic education offered in researches of Karpov N. N., Lapteva L. E., Surguladze, V. Sh. and others researchers.

On the basis of the obtained results, the legal basis of Patriotic education is proposed and systematized.

As a tool of improving of the effectiveness of Patriotic education the author considers the Prosecutor’s supervision. The article proposes to allocate in a separate direction prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of laws on Patriotic education in connection with the national importance of this issue.

To date there is no centralized system of Patriotic education in the country, no training of educators in this area has been organized. It requires a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of financial resources allocated to the organization of Patriotic education.

Insufficient attention on the part of the subjects of Patriotic education is paid to the territories where there are relevant problems.

The active work of prosecutors in this area will ensure an appropriate level of law in the field of Patriotic education.

About the authors

Mikhail V. Vavilin

Advisory Board of the Council of the Federation Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State-Building of the Federal Assembly of the RF

Author for correspondence.

Member of the Expert Advisory Board of the Council of the Federation Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State-Building of the Federal Assembly of the RF, Expert of the Government of the RF, Degree-Seeking Student of the University of Prosecutor’s Office of the RF

Russian Federation, Moscow


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