The concept of the Eurasian state in the context of the philosophical tradition of Russian emigration

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The paper describes philosophical ideas of Eurasianism and a problem of choice Russia’s of the Eurasian state model in terms of modernity. The paper pays special attention to the studies of the Eurasianism founders of the 20s of the XX century, who have developed a strategy of the Eurasian state. The author emphasizes the importance of the Eurasian worldview in adjusting of the concept of the constitutional state to the current processes of globalization. In the author’s opinion, building of the Eurasian reality and acceptance of the Eurasian worldview are the basis for favorable environment in a country. The Eurasian worldview is based on the humanitarian principles, which are necessary for building self and healthy society in a State. The article suggests the basic criteria for implementation of the Eurasian worldview. This criteria is that a State should maintain stability without emphasizing the dominance of slavs, religion, turanstvo. According to the author, a State should not control these aspects, since they together should form a spiritual basis of the Russian society. The author pays special attention to the problems of globalization. According to the author, the Eurasian model of a State is based on the Eurasian values and attitudes that are in agreement with a concept of a State based on the rule of law. The study is based on dialectical method, according to which society, human, and state are considered in the process of continuous modification and interconnection.

About the authors

Karlgash D. Karabaeva

Orenburg State University

Author for correspondence.

кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры общих правовых дисциплин и политологии

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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