Legislative basis of the republic of Finland to reduce the demand for drugs and counter their trafficking

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The subject of the study is the legal and organizational framework for countering drug trafficking in the Republic of Finland. In the process of work on the publication the author used a set of General scientific research methods such as comparison, analysis, as well as formal-logical, comparative-legal and other private scientific methods including: historical method. For the first time the author has carried out a comprehensive analysis of the legal framework concerning organizational measures aimed at countering drug trafficking in the Republic of Finland. The study examined the provisions of the existing acts of lawmaking in the field of drug control: laws and regulations, departmental documents. The author comes to the conclusion that the Republic of Finland has a sufficiently developed legislation in the field of drug demand reduction and counteraction to their illicit trafficking, which is constantly developing and improving. They also noted that the policy of Finland in the sphere of counteraction of drug addiction focused on the need for simultaneous operation aimed at reducing the supply and demand of drugs, reduce harm from drug use, early prevention of drug addiction and the possibility of providing timely assistance to drug users. Practical significance of the research is that the mastery of the positive side of the experience in combating drug trafficking in Finland, can be used by the state authorities of the Russian Federation in building the system of organizational-administrative work for the prevention of drug-related crime.

About the authors

Petr N. Kobets

Russian Research Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: pkobets37@rambler.ru

Chief Researcher

Russian Federation, Moscow


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