On issue of the subject matter of international law philosophy

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This article offers a comprehensive view of most significant aspects of the subject matter of international law philosophy. The purpose is a framing the conceptual model of its subject matter and is to identify general themes of further discussion. The methodology of research conducted consists of the general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and abstracting. The author has used the system principle and the historical principle. As results of given study are following: justifying the idea of international law as a main subject matter of respective philosophy; explicating the content of the notion “contemporary philosophy of international law”; demonstrating the differences between theory of international law and international law philosophy. The conclusions drawn are conceptual provisions that, firstly, international law philosophy is an independent legal science. Secondly, its vocation is to investigate not only philosophical foundations of international law but also philosophical foundations of international law doctrine. Thirdly, the contemporary international law philosophy must provide the dialog between versions of understanding of international law that are typical for various civilizations.

About the authors

Mark V. Shugurov

Saratov State Law Academy

Author for correspondence.
Email: shugurovs@mail.ru

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Saratov


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