Independence of the judiciary in the modern understanding of the separation of powers

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The independence of judicial power is researched from the natural law viewpoint. It is shown that the principle of separation of powers is not static, it is changing under the influence of time.

The sharp increase of executive branch of power’s role marks the contemporary stage of social-political development. It is shown that such a situation is inevitable. However, the problem is that executive branch fulfills both rulemaking function and law-enforcement one. It causes the risks of abuse of power, which scared the creators of separation of powers principle.

In this light the constitutional law faces the aim to reveal legal and political tools which can provide the very essence of separations of powers — to avoid the complete concentration of power in one center. The two innovations which can help to solve this problem are suggested in the article.

One of them is to broad the types of direct popular sovereignty. It is demonstrated, based on American experience that notice and comment requirement can restrain the arbitrariness of executive branch and therefore to be a bulwark against usurpation.

The nature of judicial power activity also changes. It must turn from formal control over the executive power to the analysis of the essence of its decisions.

About the authors

Ilia V. Ruzanov

Research Center of Problems of Interrelations between State, Society and Person

Author for correspondence.

Director of Research Center of Problems of Interrelations between State, Society and Person

Russian Federation, Samara


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